No Contract! No Automatic Re-bill!
Call Verified Leads
Our Call Verified Leads are a wonderful alternative to the internet leads that have ruled this industry. We take aged leads, send them to our call center, have the dedicated callers call through the leads, verifying that they are still looking for a quote, and pass them off to you to quote and close. All leads are 100% exclusive and recordings of the calls are available with every lead. Live Transfers (Call for Availability) Our live transfers are a true warm hand-off. Our call center calls through aged data, confirms that the prospect is looking for a quote, asks them if they have time to speak to an agent now, and then dials your office with the prospect on the line. Our friendly callers will tell you who they have on the line before they transfer the call. This is not an IVR or Computer generated call! Aged Leads Our aged leads are an exceptional alternative to expensive leads. These leads were born as an internet lead 30-60 days ago (older leads available upon request). Give a list to your newer agents for practice, pop these leads into a dialer, run a direct mail campaign with the data, or run an email marketing campaign to create sales. These leads are a fraction of the cost of newer leads, but leave plenty of meat left on the bone! |
Aged Leads: $1.00 Call Verified: $25 Dollars Live Transfers: $40 Dollars Call For Specials! |